Jan 10Liked by Mary Krawczyk

I am a hoarder of books/information/classes. I have people in my life who I use periodically to check in and keep myself in check. This summer I had a friend sit with me and help facilitate the purging of many books (3 TJ grocery bags full) which I donated to little lending libraries. I do the same favor this friend's shoes and closet. And just last week another friend and I had an excited conversation making plans for all the classes and retreats we were hearing about and in which we were interested. (This friend had done a good purge of all the emails she was getting from various organizations, which I have yet to do.) After a couple of days of processing we were back in touch with each other and reality and had both, independent of the other, decided to not follow up with any of the new opportunities but to really concentrate on the things that we are already doing AND on leaving space and resting. Doing less. Purging the calendar commitments. Even if it brings joy and beauty, it does not seem wise to try to do all of it. There really can be too much of a good thing, I think.

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Thanks for sharing, Lori! And yes to all of this.

The point about an email purge is a good one. I unsubscribed from a bunch of lists in fall, and I want to to do that on a regular basis. It's the idea of "curating" what comes into our inbox or our social media feed or mailboxes or whatever. I also like the idea of having a friend to check in with (for accountability and encouragement) on these types of things. That's so helpful.

This sentence from your comment really stuck out to me - "decided not to follow up with any of the new opportunities but to really concentrate on the things that we are already doing AND on leaving space and resting." AMEN to that!

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Jan 9Liked by Mary Krawczyk

I kicked off 2024 with a project to organize my recipes. For years I have had piles of recipes I had printed or torn out from magazines. It always seemed so daunting to sit down and go through - but oh did it feel good to toss! I was able to organize the recipes I use and recycle SO MUCH paper. With most things on the internet, the need for so much paper is not necessary. I have several other 'areas of focus' in the house for 2024....as Sandy said "I am making progress and have a long way to go!". I do love the idea of subtracting in order to add. As the kids get older, it is exciting to think about some new 'adds' with some of my extra time!

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Thanks for sharing, Sara! That's a good project with the recipes. Like you said...keep those you use and toss those you don't. It's a good feeling to declutter. And, yes, it's exciting to think about the possibilities for adding and subtracting at each stage of life.

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Jan 8Liked by Mary Krawczyk

I love the idea of subtraction and minimalism. With kids off to college, I was excited to have space and room to start clearing out my attic. However, a series of unfortunate events led to my house filling up rather than clearing out. It has just been in the last few months, that I really got to start tackling home cleaning and purging. It can be addictive. It also has to be done with thought as you have to deal with all the "stuff" that needs to be tossed or donated and the rest that needs to be reorganized. Living in the same house for 28 years adds up to a lot of "stuff." I am making progress and have a long way to go!

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Thanks for sharing, Sandy! Yes, we accumulate so much over the years.

I love your last line - "making progress AND have a long way to go." Both/and - isn't that life? Hugs to you as you continue the process.

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